Tag: weather

Disaster Mitigation in Japan-Weather Information

| July 3, 2021 | 0 Comments
Disaster Mitigation in Japan-Weather Information

The Japan Meteorological Agency is the best source in various languages for local weather and for real-time risks evaluation. In addition to weather forecasts, its English  Home Page offers weather warnings/advisories, real-time risk maps for landslides, inundations and floods, tropical cyclones information, tsunami warnings and advisory, earthquake information and volcanic warning/forecasts. As you can see […]

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Disaster Mitigation in Japan- Evacuation Information and Resources (Apps…)

| July 3, 2021 | 0 Comments
Disaster Mitigation in Japan- Evacuation Information and Resources (Apps…)

With the rainy season, or “tsuyu”, the risk of landslides, inundations and floods is growing. I am posting here some information in English. Other languages are available on the websites mentioned. • For general information about Disaster Management in Japan, the Cabinet Office offers valuable resources. You can download the latest Evacuation Information in 14 […]

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