A Father on a Hunger Strike to be able to see his Children

| July 12, 2021 | 0 Comments

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Vincent Fichot (Twitter: @FichotVincent) is on a hunger strike at Sendagaya JR station since July 10th after years of unsuccessful efforts to see his children who were kidnapped by his mother in Japan on August 10th 2018. I encourage you to read about Vincent and the many fathers who have been separated from their children by a cruel  justice system, oblivious of an international convention  ratified by Japan in 1994, in Marco Spola’s blog. The Washington Post also published an article that describes well the situation.

I know personally another father in the same situation. Children should not be forced by a resentful parent to grow up like if the other one’s existence was denied.

I hope the exposure by the media thanks to this courageous father’s efforts will encourage foreign governments to get more involved.

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